A Public Heart:

The urban scheme connects the site to the surrounding city by replicating the existing urban fabric in the site and cutting it with a green public heart that will form the connection to this new district from the city around. The heart forms the geographic center of the city of Holon with its future developments, enabling

pedestrians and bicycle easy access to public functions and the city center.




The current urban plan is challenged by a more sustainable and ecological solution creating a more complex mixture of high rise and dense low rise urban development. Thus creating a more human scale that also relates to flexibility, sunlight and ventilation needs.


Architecture – an attractive face for the city

The facades of the new ensemble live from a dynamic relationship of open and closed. The ever changing movable glass panels change their appearance according to user’s ventilation and shadowing needs, light conditions and the surrounding environment. Giving separate identities to each building, but keeping a tight, coherent identity for the district, it is an abstract composition to be manipulated and enriched by the users – until it is the architecture of the public.